Friday, February 13, 2009

Prayer request

Lately, a couple of friends have written saying that they felt the Holy Spirit knudging them to pray for us. They wrote me asking for an update. Here is part of what we're up against: On Sunday, walking home from church and one block from our apartment, we were harrassed by a thug on the street. He told me that I had offended him and that he would get revenge. He also said that we were in his area and that if we didn't leave, he'd run us through. When we got home, very shaken by the experience, we found a letter under our door from an angry Peruvian, making false accusations against us. I said to Lena, "This feels like a spiritual attack!"
We are also making plans to host some missions teams, in March. We've got two teams coming back-to-back. When I shared about the thug with some friends here, they asked, "Are you about to engage in an evangelism focus?" I said, "Yes we are!"

Please pray that many would get saved, that God would smite the enemy, anoint our heads with oil and make our cups to overflow!


Ruth Chowdhury said...

Whoa. That's crazy. I'm not one of those that asked you what to pray for that you mentioned in this post, but I did want to say that I was up at 4am the other night praying for you out of the ordinary, so I was wondering if something was up. I'll keep praying. Love you guys!

Rob Amend said...

We will be praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you! The victory is won in Jesus' name! Love you much!

Anonymous said...

Read it...will pray more for you all.

my two hopeful wings said...

thank you for letting us know the direction to pray.