Please join us in praying for:
1. A great SICM Conference--July 30 - August 5. I'll be teaching on emotional intelligence in collegiate discipleship. It's a major part of my doctoral project. My prayer is for the Lord's inspiration to make it a life transforming and empowering experience for the Chi Alpha students.
2. For my Mom's health. Last week we had a scare, as she exhibited some heart attack symptoms. We spent the one month anniversary of dad's death in the hospital with Mom. That was pretty hard on all of us. Mom is OK and the minor issues they discovered are being treated with medication. But she's been left with agonizing pain in both hands. It looks like arthritis, but the doctor isn't certain.
3. For services and the remainder of our budget. Since the budget is not yet at 100%, we must schedule services in the autumn. It was difficult for us to accept this, emotionally, at first; but we are certain that God is in control. Nonetheless, having some friends bring our needs before heaven is always a good idea.

The daffodil picture, above, was taken last spring in our back yard. Since blue and yellow are the colors I see best, I love contrasting them. The delicate little flowers at right, were taken last April on the beach near Galveston, TX.