This from Lena:
There is a dynamic in the Christian
life that doesn't make any sense, but is very real. When we pray, we
are instructed to pray believing that we will receive what we are asking for--as though it was already ours. When we do this, we become a bit like our Father in heaven, “who calls
things that are not as though they were.” Nothing plus faith
equals something. We become participants in God's response to our
own prayers by demonstrating faith that He hears and wants to respond
to our faith-filled prayers.
Twice a year, LACC does a special
project in which the children write a paragraph about a given theme.
This gives them a chance to connect with their sponsor and give the
sponsors a window into their lives. The first project this year was
“My prayer for you...” The children were to write a little
prayer that expressed their heart desires for their sponsors. Now,
it is our office's policy to have all the children—those with
sponsors and those awaiting a sponsor—to do a project, just in case
one of the children is assigned a sponsor while a project is active.
My heart fell as I began to read the prayers the children wrote to
sponsors who did not yet exist. I felt the irony, but I know that
something powerful happens when we do something in faith---like write
a letter to someone who doesn't exist yet, but is an answer to our
Some of the kids were quite specific:
“...and please send me a sponsor who
is good and handsome!”
Some appealed to their imagined
sponsor's sense of justice:
“I would like God to move on your
heart and that you would be my sponsor, and that you would help me in
my studies, so that I can be a professional one day and escape the
poverty we live in. To the person who reads this—thank you very
much and may God bless you richly. Thank you. Good-bye.
Some shook the heavens:
“Help me to have a person from You
who is kind and good who can help me to be like you with the very
poor people who live around here. Help me to study hard to be able
to keep going. Thank you, Sponsor. I am going to have a sponsor.
Thank you, Lord, for blessing my sponsor for choosing me. Thank you.
I am sending you a hug and a kiss.
I want you to know that for some
reason, we had probably the biggest jump in sponsorship since that
project was written that we have ever seen. In fact, I KNOW that it is the biggest, from all of the first letters I have been translating! There are circumstances
that we can explain that with (we have a staff member on itineration
currently, which really helps!!), but why now? There have been
months in our own itineration when very few children have been
sponsored. Maybe it was because some kids took a step of faith and
called a sponsor into being who wasn't as though they were. And just so you know---all three of these got sponsors!