It's been a while since I've updated the blog. I've been working on finances all this past week. Financial reporting makes me feel great when it's done and everything balances, but it requires all of my brain. Unlike the people at Enron, I can't think about numbers and be creative at the same time. In addition to the number crunching, I had a bad virus. Twice, I had to take a long hot shower just to get warm, then get some sleep. All that's left of the virus now is a frog which has taken up residence in my voice box.
We're still about $200 away from completing our budget of monthly pledges. Only one detail remains before we get medical clearance and we know the day we're to arrive in Costa Rica for Language study (Jan 3). I hope that by the end of next week, we'll be approved to buy our tickets.

Hannah and Colton have adjusted well to the start of another school year. Willy will start two days-per-week of preschool this Wednesday. He's apprehensive, but we think he'll enjoy it--eventually. Willy is very active and likes to play with his friends. He doesn't have any in our immediate neighborhood, so this is a chance fill some of his social needs. Here's a picture of Abi and Willy taken this summer, along with the following prayer requests:
1. Recovery and healing for my mother-in-law (Ginny), who just underwent Gall bladder surgery.
2. The final pledges and medical clearance to be completed.
3. Continued inspiration in writing the final project for the doctorate.
4. God's help in preparing the house to be rented.
5. Wisdom and speed in packing our belongings.
6. That Willy will enjoy making new friends at preschool.
7. Wisdom and anointing as we make decisions about what we can and cannot accomplish prior to our departure on Jan 3.
Thanks to everyone who contributes financially and through prayer! We feel so blessed to have so many wonderful friends shouldering this great calling with us. Thank you!
Mucho Agape,