Sunday, April 05, 2009

Wilmington College Chi Alpha in Ayacucho

In Early March, 2009, the Wilmington College Chi Alpha group joined us for a week long missions trip. One of our stops was Ayacucho--high in the Andes Mountains. We did some great children's ministry, causing many kids to invite Jesus into their lives. Hallelujah! We were the first missions team to come there in a long time. When we left, the Pastor said that he was grateful that we came, since he had felt forgotten. That makes it worth the altitude sickness.

Ken and Tara Lydy are the directors of Chi Alpha at Wilmington college. We've been friends for years. They're also very charismatic actors. Here, Ken is being ... a clown! We're giving out baloons and inviting kids to an evangelistic service.

After teaching on the story of Daniel and the Lion's den, Angie (a Wilmington College student) is helping a boy make a Lion's mask.

Hannah took this picture of a traditional Quechua Indian woman.

1 comment:

Ruth Chowdhury said...

Praise God for the salvations!!

By the way, Hannah captured that photo so wonderfully, too!