Friday, May 23, 2008

Bad Album Covers

It's important to know that I really like to laugh. I stumbled upon this link while reading the news:,0,531818.photogallery

It is a photo collection of the 50 worst album covers. Not ironically, many of them are from Christian albums and all appear to be from the 70's. A word of caution: humor is subjective and can be dangerous. Therefore, if you are easily offended, then just skip this and enjoy the example I've provided above, that great album of uplifting songs: "All my friends are Dead." Otherwise, click the link above and make sure you view a few of my favorites; e.g., 9 (seen here), 27, 29, 42, 48 & 50.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh... Slim Goodbody!