Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Es Verde!

After one month in Costa Rica, I'm trying hard to win the award for using the smallest vocabulary with the greatest gusto. Everyday, I find that I've been saying something completely wrong. Originally, the cab drivers just smiled and nodded when I made incomrehendable sounds that I thought were words. Now, the cab drivers are starting to correct me. Often, two words sound so similar, it's hard to keep them straight. For example, the word for green (verde) is really close to the word for true (verdad). When you want to say, "That's right!" in Spanish, one way is to say "Es verdad!"... unless you're me. I've made the mistake of saying "Es verde!" on a few occasions. As such, I'm turning it into a trademark. The secret is to say it with a big smile, a lot of gusto and holding one thumb up. If you're in complete agreement, then let everyone know it by saying, "It's green!"


novelesm said...

That story was all green Bill!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Bill,
Even I know better than that, and I had high school Spanish 47 years ago. Ha! I'll have to pray harder for your language training.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bill,
Love ya bro, keep up the good work! Green is a great color, especially mixed with salt, and even though you put it on late, when you get to taste it, it still taste good and sometimes even a little better.