Sunday, February 18, 2007

Es Verde! (part 2)

Shortly after my "Es Verde!" article, Lena and I attended a Spanish chapel service. One of the songs was lovely and we had the following conversation:

Bill: That was a lovely song, but I had a hard time figuring out what it was about.

Lena: It was lovely. I think I got the translation.

Bill: Really? What were we singing?

Lena: "Without you, Lord, I would be like a boiled Parrot lying dead on the street."


Just a thought... said...

I think we sing that same song in our churches!! I can't wait to worship with you guys when you finally get to Peru!!


Dave said...

Kelly and I both like that one. It's a great practice of the past subjunctive as well. You'll get that in the third trimester.

Yolanda said...

Hey, remember me, I met you at IN District Council last year!?!Congratulations on making it to Costa Rica!!!! I had been thinking about you and thought I'd take a peak at your blog. I love your stories!!! May God bless your language learning and continue to prepare you for your upcoming adventures in Peru!!!!