We are grateful to the Lord, our partners and the prayer warriors who faithfully enable us to bring liberty to the captives and the good news to the poor. Thank you!
Protests Paused to Shovel Mud
The political and social turmoil of our last newsletter has died down -- only to be replaced by massive flooding. El NiƱo, the Peruvian weather pattern that causes storms and flooding all over the planet, forced many of the protesters to run home and scoop mud out of their kitchens.
The pictures, above, are from Monte Sullon, where our ChildHope school is. Many of the families there live in grass houses with dirt floors and no water. We were grateful to partner with the church associated with our ChildHope project to bring much needed food, supplies and mattresses.
In spite of physical and political obstacles, the Peruvian people press on. And we press on also, declaring the Gospel in the land of the Inkas.
Sometimes, when people ask what we do, I say, "We get to transform the lives of children in the Amazon basin (as in the picture, above) and the Andes mountains." It makes me realize how awesome it is to be a missionary. When the ChildHope kids thank us for providing food and scholarships, we explain that we're just the delivery guys. The people to thank are our faithful team members in the U.S.
But, since we get to deliver the Good News to the Amazon, that literally makes us Amazon delivery guys!
Our ChildHope kids write letters to their sponsors and the younger ones draw pictures. The most recent project was "What is my dream for the future?" Obviously, the two kids, below, want to be members of the royal family. (Somebody should warn them it is not as fun as it sounds!)
One of our kids wrote this: “Hello sponsor. I am Thiago. My dream is to be a Youtuber scientist, to be able to bring my grandfather back to life. Hugs and kisses.”
Lena writes: "So many times, as I translate the letters of the children, I see traces of sadness and evidence of the challenges faced by so many children in Peru. Many children spoke about wanting to go into medicine to help people like those who have died in their family: A father lost to diabetes. An uncle and cousin who died of Covid. Translating their letters can be heartbreaking—but even so, with a ray of hope! Only Jesus can bring Thiago’s grandfather to life, but we sincerely wish Thiago the best in becoming a YouTuber scientist!"
Evangelism on Campus and in the Community
I (Bill) am really proud of Lena's vision and leadership in reaching out to university students. It has not been easy getting people to engage again after the Covid lockdowns. Below are some shots of Lena leading a team of volunteers (students and a professor) inviting students at San Marcos (the oldest university in the Americas) to practice their English by studying the Bible.
I am equally proud of the young adults in our church who are willing to go out and share the Gospel in our local parks on Saturday nights. We usually begin with Abi (my daughter) and I singing, then someone shares their testimony. Hanging out in the park on Saturday night is very cultural here, and people are receptive (or, at least, polite) if you start to sing. Recently, we've seen six new visitors come to the church (and three salvations) because of these outreaches.
Thanks for sharing the blessed adventure with us! To join our ministry team and help us transform Peru with the power and name of Jesus, please click here. To sponsor a child with ChildHope (formerly Latin America ChildCare), please click here.
Updated Emails and Phone number:
Due to technical issues, we had to change emails and our U.S. telephone number. If you have another other email or U.S. phone number for us, please delete them and replace them with the folowing: