I visited my father today. He's been in a nursing home for a week, after spending 10 days in the hospital. His recovery is amazing. Ten days ago, I was preparing myself for what I thought was his inevitable demise. Today, he was sitting in a reading chair, fully dressed, working on a Sodoku puzzle. God has blessed me. My daily visits to my father in the hospital and nursing home have provided opportunities for meaningful discussions. There was a famous book out a few years ago, titled "Tuesdays with Morrie." It was about a reporters discussions with his dyeing professor. My dad's name is Morris, and my frequent visits to him in the hospital environment have brought that book to mind. But it separates dramatically from the book, since my dad is on the mend. I praise God for this wonderful news, and I thank all of those who prayed with me. Thank you!
Another area where God has answered our prayers is in regard to Lena's spiritual friends. She shared that very few women ask her the types of spiritual questions that encourage personal growth. She's famous for asking friends about their spiritual lives or what the Lord is saying to them, but very few do the same for her. We prayed about it and the next day, Lena had deep conversations with three friends! Two were friends she hadn't spoken with in a long time, who called out of the blue. It's important to journal about these occurrences, otherwise they are quickly forgotten. God answers prayers. We must do the work of remembering them and rejoicing in His faithfulness and love. What a shame to be sad and think that God doesn't care, when He is actually working overtime to show us his love!
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